You've fixed nothing? It seems to me that you've made a dent. And a dent in the universe is kind of a big deal, the universe being so hard-headed and all.

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Thanks Mike, I suppose. Making a dent feels fixing adjacent. I had hoped that I'd have an imported vet by now and a clinic open (lots of available retail spaces) or at least a monthly clinic that didn't have to be in my living room at my expense. And that people would at LEAST make an effort to stop buying puppies from breeders and getting Huskies and Malinois in the desert and stuff but I'm delusional. I was surprised even 40 people came to the last spay clinic! it's progress, you're right. I just run out of steam and funding. And I'd hoped that after adopting and fixing all these abandoned dogs that we'd have Adoption Land and I'd be weaving collars and selling dog cookies, but nope. We want a pug and we want a baby dog. Suck it Gringa. If I had like even one other person here (a local) say HEY vecino! your dog is in heat, can you put her in the yard for a week or so until we can get her fixed? it would help from having another 30 pups born each cycle. But these are tall orders.

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